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Сообщаем Вам что, член Ассоциации университетов стран Шелкового пути Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering объявляет о проведении конкурса среди студентов по направлению Optoelectronic. 


Просим Вас изучить материал.



The International Invitational of Optoelectronic Technical Skills

Chongqing, China


The International Invitational of Optoelectronic Technical Skills will be held at Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering in Chongqing, China from 13th December to 16th December, 2019.

Each country may send one team to participate in this competition, and each team consists of one expert and one competitor. The organizer will provide financial assistanceas follows1) Round-trip air tickets for one expert of each country, 2) Local transportation and accommodation cost for one expert and one competitor of each country, 3)20000CNY~¥30000CNY prize for each team(Successful participation Prize, Winning prize, Bronze medal, Silver medal and Gold medal), 4) A set of “optoelectronic technology competition platform” equipment for each country (not including transportation and customs clearance fees from China to the destination country).

If you are interested in this competition, please complete the registration form attached and send it to info@srcau.org  by 25th November, 2019. Due to limited number of work stations, an early registration is recommended.

More technical documents about the competition will be updated by email after your successful registration.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Chongqing in December.



         Yulin Lyu                                 Fang Yuan

      Official Delegate                           Technical Delegate

      WorldSkills China                          WorldSkills China 


Appendix 1:  Registration Form





Family name             first name               Middle name:                


Passport (travelling Doc No.) :                                                      

Sex                            Date of birth:                                   

Organization/ Company:                                                           

Telephone:                         Email: (important)                                  

City:                                  Address:                                                                           









Competitor 1


Family name             first name               Middle name:                


Passport (travelling Doc No.) :                                                      

Sex                            Date of birth:                                   

Organization/ Company:                                                           

Telephone:                         Email: (important)                                    

City:                                  Address:                                                                           











Note: If you have any question about the competition, please contact us with chongqing2019@yeah.net.



1630 дней назад
19 ноября 2019, начало в 0:00

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